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Iluminada Dinulong Panabe Foundation Inc.
IDP Foundation


The IDP Lumen Foundation is a non-profit and non-government organization dedicated to raise the standard of living of families still marooned in the low-income level (or in other cases: “no income” level) in scattered [but several] communities in the province of Kalinga in the Cordilleran Region of northern Philippines.


With its priority programs addressing several priority concerns (EDUCATION; HEALTH, SANITATION & ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS; LIVELIHOOD & ENTREPRENEURIAL OPPORTUNITIES; TRAINING ACTIVITIES) in the needy areas of Kalinga Province, The Foundation focuses attention on rearing and nurturing the youth so that they may be educated and become productive members of the Kalinga society, while also ensuring that the health, sanitation and environmental issues in their respective communities are being addressed – including the capability-building initiatives formulated for their families and communities intended to create and sustain INCOME.



The organization was originally established with the name IDP Foundation, but which now includes the founder’s nickname “Lumen” as an insertion – thus the current name IDP Lumen Foundation.


It started as a vision on the part of its founder to initiate an organization that would espouse the ideals she held dearly in her heart when as a young girl in Kalinga Province, in the northern part of the Philippines, she was taken under the wings of nuns who looked after her educational needs.


In high school, she was into volunteer work, assisting in community projects – a path that took her to another volunteer job with an NGO after College. Her stint that included the task of raising funds for beneficiaries widened her perspectives on possibilities to help those in need. It was then that she realized that she wanted to set up a similar organization.


As early as the 1990's, she started subsidizing the schooling of underprivileged youth in the province of Kalinga and from then on embarked in other equally important projects to sustain the total development of the intended beneficiaries.

The IDP foundation has been registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in early 2010.

 ”A recipient

of similar blessings

at one point in my life,

I know how it is to be

in that kind of situation...


At this stage in my life,

there’s just this

strong urge within me

to continue extending

these same kinds

of opportunities

to my countrymen.


I don't expect

anything in return,

except that,

whenever possible,

the initiative

is passed on"



A highly committed organization capable of transforming lives.



The IDP Lumen Foundation shall advocate rural development along priority concerns on health, environment, education, family economic advancement through active partnership with both government and non-government organizations.



I.EDUCATION for the Children of

Financially Deprived Families


2.ENLIGHTENED Rural Communities

with access to HEALTH and



3. EMPOWERED Families & Individuals

with enhanced capabilities on

Economic as well as Professional



4.EFFICIENT Utilization of Organizational

Resources through sharing

and complementation



1. To give scholarship grants tostudents whose families can not afford sending them to school


2. To make health services accessible to needy communities through medical missions & provision of facilities on sanitation and hygiene


3. To provide training & assistance on livelihood & entrepreneurial opportunities for needy communities

as well as enhancement training for professionals - all intended to upgrade their economic status


4. To establish & sustain partnership & linkage with other development-oriented organizations in both the

public and private sectors

VMGO (Vision-Mission-Goals-Objectives)

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